
PhD – Applied Linguistics​

Current affiliation: Université Paris Nanterre – Multimodal Research Group on Language and its Interfaces (GREMLIN)/ Board member at La Fabrique Écologique
[email protected]

Words Transwords

Through research, I study the terms and neologisms that make up discourses on climate change and the ecological crisis. I consider their implications regarding climate action and ecological transition measures and expectations.

Through art, I represent my emotional, spiritual and intuitive reactions to the questions that motivate my research, and which cannot be put into words or made to fit the mould of scientific objectivity.                        

I rely on tools from corpus linguistics, natural language processing and discourse analysis to identify the terms at stake, account for variation phenomena, and for the social representations associated with them across different types of discourses.              

Watercolor, color pencils, and digital paint are used to create an ethereal atmosphere, where humans' footprint is erased, smoothed off. Acrylic is also mobilized in places, to increase saturation and plasticity on specific focal points.

Ultimately, art and science become entangled, the former inspiring the latter which, in turn, brings to the fore questions and paradoxes that I then try to investigate through research.